Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Pain Births Life

When a woman falls into labour pains, she is about to birth a new life, literally.
Pain is an onset of newness; Your wisdom teeth didn't pop up overnight, you probably experienced some agonizing pains; The much awaited promotion didn't just drop on your laps, you toiled for it; Academic success comes at a price: midnight oil.

Pains have purpose:

Pain Expands Endurance
If you were training to run a marathon for the first time, you wouldn't start off by running a marathon. You start with 1km, then 3km, then 5km and so on until you build up the capacity to run a full marathon. Pain works in the same way, it builds up your endurance to weather storms without knocking you out.

Pain Matures You
Discomfort precedes growth, they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Through pain, we learn perseverance and valuable life lessons, maturity kicks in and we become much wiser. Thus people who are more advanced in age do see things from a better perspective and have a wealth of wisdom to share from the seasons of tests and trials they've been through.

Challenges Brings Opportunities
Most people record outstanding success after a major setback. Challenges inspire new thinking and new ideas, it ignites bravery and strength, it provides an opportunity to discover skills you never knew you possessed.

Adversity Builds Character
We are shaped by the ups and downs we encounter in life. Adversity builds resilience and teaches valuable life lessons. It introduces a man to himself for rediscovery and reinvention.

Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfery, Walt Disney are among people of great wisdom and profound success who shared stories of how adversity served as a catalyst for their success.

Don't despise your pain, see it as an opportunity for growth and greatness...Like the phoenix, rise from the ashes with strength and courage.

"All of my obstacles have strengthened me. You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you." - Walt Disney


1 comment:


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